Requests are like an internal email for all users in the complex for all outgoing (e.g. circulars) and incoming (e.g. resident issues) communication. They are managed by powerful "workflow" rules, which control who can send & receive requests based on the request type, the status of completion & escalation if needed. SMS & email alerts are sent for all requests.
The amenities of the complex can be booked or subscribed online by residents without visiting the office. They can book a place (e.g. hall) based on the timeslots available, or subscribe to the amenity (e.g. swimming pool) for a period. The payment of the amenity can be automatically added to the next bill or it can be paid directly by the person at the time of use.
Smart Society is the best solution for generating maintenance bills, with automatic calculation of bill items based on various parameters (like area, type of unit, leased status, parking, meter, amenity etc.) with interest (simple, compound, fixed), Service Tax and so on. Residents get SMS & email alerts for bill, receipt, payment reminder etc. and can make payments online.
Smart Society has a fully integrated accounting module, removing the need for any other accounting package. Billing & Receipt voucher entries are done automatically, Groups & Ledgers can be created & all Voucher entries can be passed along with Bank Reconciliation & Investments. Reports all the way till finalized Balance Sheet, and P&L are available.
All vendors of the complex can be managed and their activities tracked. The AMC's of the vendors are available online (without the need to manually search in files) and alerts are sent at the time of expiry. Their maintenance schedules are also tracked, with alerts, and the visits are recorded for evaluating performance.
Vehicles authorized to park in the complex can be given Parking Stickers for entry. In addition, Visitors & personal staff (maids, drivers etc.) of residents can be provided with ID card passes (or SMS passes) which they can show at the gate to get entry. Instead of writing In/Out time in a register, it is recorded online.
The rules and regulations prescribed by the government for complexes (societies / condominiums / associations) specify certain documents to be available in prescribed formats, as well as forms to be filled for various activities. Smart Society has these built in and automatically keeps them up-to-date.
All documents, whether of the complex, or each resident can be scanned and uploaded, with proper indexing so that they can be immediately retrieved without having to search manually through files. Residents can see only their own documents and any society documents shared for their view.
Smart Society solves the problems of maintaining attendance registers manually, by capturing the In/Out time of the staff (whether an employee or a vendor), who has been issued a pass. The time for which the person was present at the site can then be used for attendance as well as reporting.
A resident can share his details online, to other members through a Member directory. In addition, the tenants can get logins (provided by the members), and their details are available in the Tenant directory. The information is also available to the Committee for their information.
Residents can send friend requests to other residents, and once accepted they become friends. They can communicate to one or many friends at a time for any social networking requirements.
Smart Society also provides a website for each complex, with information about the society, its photos, location, news & events and links to its Facebook page etc.